Today was again clear blue skies but a little cooler than yesterday at only 36C!
We 4 set off south across desolate plains flat as far as the eye could see under a searing hot sun and roaring headwind. (We had stoked up first with a less than satisfactory breakfast at a Subway!)
The flat plains gradually gave way to rolling low hills. We then descended alongside Lake Albert one of the system of lakes into which the River Murray flows to the Sea. Alongside the lake shore there were about 12 penguins. We stopped for lunch at Meningie a small town on the lakeshore.
One point of interest which we noted especially today but also on other days of the tour was the large number of motorists who gave us friendly waves and toots. This seemed to be an acknowledgement of the effort required to cycle long distances in remote areas especially on hot days (and the very small number of cyclists attempting this) Motorists generally treated us well and gave us plenty of room. It was all a refreshing change from UK attitudes.
We continued along to Magrath Flat, only a few houses and then into the Coorong National Park. This area is a 60 mile long lagoon with a peninsula of sandunes sheltering it from the sea. We saw a number of dried lakes forming salt flats some with pink and red colouring caused by magnesium deposits.
Our accommodation for the night was a remote wilderness lodge run by the local aboriginal community and situated on Hack Point a peninsula running into the lagoon.
At the peninsula we turned off onto a rough track alongside a multicoloured salt flat and continued for several miles to the end of the peninsula and the lodge. This was a large Accommodation unit with a central common area and 4 rooms round it. Ours was a room with 2 single beds and 2 beds in a bunk bed. Accommodation was of a good standard.
We had the place to ourselves and had an evening meal provided by the owners at the Lodge Restaurant with outstanding 180 degree views across the lagoon as the sun set onto the sandunes. It was a unique location to stay and very memorable
51 miles for the day and 436ft of climb.