Today weather was clear blue skies all day and a little hot at 39C, 100F !!
I had a hot chocolate on the rooms balcony as the sun rose across the sea at Victor Harbor. After Breakfast we packed the bikes and set off east along Encounter Bay. We were able to follow a well signed cycle route called the Encounter Bike Route for 11 miles along the coast to Goowa. The route was made up of a combination of signed back roads with linking cross country paths.
We stopped for elevenses at a supermarket caf? in Goowa. Then north to the Wine fields of Currency Creek. Then back roads through quiet bush territory to Milang on the shores of Lake Alexandrina where we stopped for lunch at a caf?. The lake is a very large bay into which flows the River Murray.
We stopped for a sort of tea break at a winery near Langhorne Creek. The proprietress had a slight sense of humour failure when 3 of us ordered cold soft drinks. Martin saved the day By ordering a glass of red wine.
We continued to Wellington on the Banks of the Murray. The route there was through flat desolate scenery with dried up salt lakes. We stopped in Wellington for our second tea stop. It was by now past 6.00 and as Peter W was slowed by the heat I stayed with him while the others went on ahead to secure the Motel Booking.
The route to Talem Bend included a ferry crossing of the Murray River at Wellington.
69 miles for the day and 770ft of climb.